How to get to Ascona
From Milan to Ascona
Ascona is based in Ticino, Italian speaking region in Switzerland, just 120 km from Milan. Most of our guests will start their journey in Europe from Milan or Zurich. So we have prepared for you two routes on how to get to Ascona.
By train
Milano Centrale – Locarno
Locarno, Piazza Stazione – bus to Ascona Centro or Taxi directly to the Hotel.

Estimation time 2h 15 min
By car
Estimation time 1h 30 min
From Zurich to Ascona
By train
Estimation time 2h 30 min
Zürich HB – Bellinzona
Bellinzona – Locarno
Locarno, Piazza Stazione – bus to Ascona Centro or Taxi directly to the Hotel.

Estimation time 2h 30 min
By car
We are happy as can be. The greatest gift you can give us is your presence.
For organizational reasons, we ask you not to bring children to the party.